I’m sure you all, like me, have been “everything” in the last three months—mystified, shocked, overwhelmed, anxious, angry, fearful, moved, inspired, appreciative, grateful! Those are 10 adjectives that only just start to describe the range of emotional ups, downs and everywhere-in between that we all have likely been going through as the weeks go by. Weeks which can seem waaay longer than seven days, am I right?

Anyhow, it’s encouraging to find comfort in the fact that many people have found ways to express and share their own perspectives on this year of 2020 that we never expected to see.

As this issue of VM was in its final stages of completion, I came upon some knowing and uplifting wisdom from an industry friend, who shared these “10 Things” shown below here on LinkedIn. These are the astute observations of the president of Younger Optics, David Rips, a singular thinker and leader, who is often sharing wise insights. I can’t find anything better to express the learnings of the pandemic and the lockdown on our industry so far. It’s also a positive take on what we can all take from this situation.

I did ask David’s permission to use it here and I thank him for saying “yes.” Let me (and him) know if you agree—and if you have any more to add, we would welcome hearing from as many of you as are inclined to touch base.
