BUSINESS: Research + Stats How Americans View Their Bosses By Staff Thursday, December 7, 2023 12:00 PM Most U.S. workers are satisfied with their bosses. A Pew Research Center survey found that, while relatively small shares of U.S. workers said they are highly satisfied with their pay and opportunities for promotion, most are highly satisfied with their relationship with their manager or supervisor. A related survey found that a majority of workers (55 percent) said their manager or supervisor is excellent or very good to work for. About half or more of those surveyed rated their boss highly on leadership dimensions such as giving employees flexibility to balance work and personal life and staying calm under pressure. Majorities also describe their boss as capable, confident and fair. Notably, these assessments don’t vary depending on whether the boss is a man or a woman. And most workers do not have a preference when it comes to their boss’s gender. About half or more of workers indicated that their direct manager or supervisor is excellent or very good when it comes to: giving employees flexibility to balance work and their personal life (63 percent); giving employees credit when it’s due (56 percent); staying calm under pressure (56 percent); setting high standards (53 percent); being open to new ideas (52 percent); being clear about expectations (50 percent); and making tough decisions (49 percent). Only 44 percent, however, said their boss is at least very good at helping them grow in their job or career. For the most part, workers don’t rate their boss differently based on their boss’s gender. But workers with a supervisor who is a woman are somewhat more likely than those whose supervisor is a man to say their boss is excellent or very good at giving employees credit. Workers with upper incomes are more likely than those with middle and lower incomes to say their bosses are excellent or very good across several of these leadership dimensions. More than half of workers said their boss displays positive traits such as being capable (69 percent), confident (66 percent), fair (61 percent) and caring (58 percent). In contrast, fewer than one-in-five workers say negative traits such as being dismissive, unpredictable, aggressive or arrogant describe their boss. The survey also asked workers about their boss’s race and ethnicity. There were no consistent differences in how people describe White, Black and Hispanic bosses.