WASHINGTON D.C.—The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is committed to transforming how our buildings are designed, constructed and operated through LEED, which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, the most widely-used green building system. LEED certification is a globally recognized symbol of sustainability achievement, and it is backed by an entire industry of committed organizations and individuals paving the way for market transformation.

Readers and subscribers to USGBC and LEED’s resource-heavy website can benefit from a range of articles, online courses, quick definitions and standards that apply to sustainable initiatives for building design, packaging and more.

Membership is available to organizations (tiered by size) as well as to individuals. Details are posted here.

Those who are members can explore many accredited and non-accredited informative courses that have to do with environmental issues and the latest requirements.

A very valuable element of the USGBC website is its online learning program which is a font of information, digestible definitions and helpful guides to all things green, whether one is exploring office design, and economic ways to pursue supply chain efficiencies or ways to talk about such issues in a clear and verifiable and credible way with clients or partners.

More details about available courses, on issues connected to building and renovating, sustainable materials, LEED certification and more are posted here.