NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Harrow (Nasdaq: HROW), a North American eyecare pharmaceutical company, has announced that as of July 1, 2024, it has entered into an agreement with Apexus, which provides health care solutions by enhancing access to medications and improving patient care through ambulatory pharmacy solutions and support of compliant 340B programs, to make IHEEZO (chloroprocaine hydrochloride ophthalmic gel) 3% and other Harrow products available through its 340B prime vendor program. IHEEZO, indicated for ocular anesthesia, is a low-viscosity topical ocular anesthetic gel with reliable efficacy, a proven safety profile, and simple administration, the company said.

According to the announcement, other Harrow products available through the program include VIGAMOX, a topical eye drop for bacterial conjunctivitis, and ILEVRO, an ocular nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory (NSAID) topical eye drop for pain and inflammation.

“We believe the value this agreement provides to eligible participants will open access to IHEEZO for the U.S. hospital market,” said Mark L. Baum, chairman and chief executive officer of Harrow. “According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 2.4 million annual emergency room visits in U.S. hospitals are due to eye-related problems, including the removal of foreign bodies and other acute conditions, many of which require anesthetizing the eye.

"Consistent with our commitment to ensure access and affordability to our products, with around 44 percent of U.S. hospitals participating in the Apexus 340B prime vendor program, we are thrilled about the potential benefits we see from our new relationship, especially for vulnerable populations,” Baum said.

The 340B prime vendor program, managed by Apexus, is a contract awarded by the Health Resources and Services Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which is responsible for administering the 340B drug pricing program, according to the announcement. As the prime vendor, Apexus contracts with manufacturers and distributors to help ensure access to discounted medications, provides 340B education to all stakeholders, and helps support program integrity through technical assistance.