NEW YORK—The VM 2022 Top 50’s collective overall estimated dollar sales increased significantly, some 21 percent, in calendar year 2021, with the overall group’s total dollars rising to $18.0 billion compared to the VM’s 2021 Top 50 of $14.9 billion. The Top 10 Retailers, with a few moves in rankings and new entrants for the 2021 ranking, comprised 84.3 percent of that Top 50, generating collective sales of $15.2 billion.

Among Mass Merchants, their collective share of the Top 50 remained similar to last year from a percentage share point of view—21.4 percent (compared to 22.5 percent of the VM Top 50 in 2020). But the estimated collective revenue dollars from the Mass Merchant optical businesses rose about 16 percent to reach $3.86 billion in calendar year 2021, compared to an estimated $3.34 billion in hard-hit 2020.