SAN FRANCISCO—The American Academy of Ophthalmology is highlighting the fact that “the number of eye injuries caused by fireworks has more than doubled in recent years” and providing tips on how to help prevent these injuries.

The Academy debunks four myths about consumer fireworks risks including:

1. Smaller fireworks don’t equal safer fireworks. Many firework injuries are the kind often given to small children—sparklers.

2. Fireworks that look extinguished might not be.

3. Just because you aren’t lighting a firework doesn’t mean you’re out of danger as an international study of fireworks-related eye injuries showed that half of those hurt were bystanders.

4. The Fourth of July can be a fun holiday without using consumer fireworks. The Academy advises that the safest way is to attend a professional show.

“Playing with consumer fireworks around these holidays have become such a beloved tradition that it is easy to forget the dangers they can pose, particularly to the eyes,” said Philip R. Rizzuto, M.D., ophthalmologist and clinical spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology. “We hope people will take the safest route to celebrating their independence by leaving fireworks to the professionals this year.”

Visit the Academy’s EyeSmart website for more information about fireworks eye safety.