Ensuring the environmental health and safety of employees is one of the key drivers behind Walman Optical’s Industrial Safety Program.

(Top to Bottom) Wiley X Specter is a Q4 release with a new detachable or permanent side shield system. Armourx 5003 is a classic wrap in clear for style and an unobstructed visual field. Invincible by Zyloware IP103Z is a modern twist on a traditional frame with permanent side shields.
“The prescription safety eyewear market is thriving. More and more companies are focusing on environmental health and safety in all aspects for the well-being of their employees. Naturally, safety eyewear comes to the surface when companies evaluate required needs and make improvements to keep the workforce safe on the job and retain their employees too,” said Meg Klaers, industrial safety program manager at Walman, and Jeff Marcella, industrial safety sales manager.

They told VM, companies are updating their corporate safety eyewear programs, or for many, they’re starting programs for the first time. Walman is able to continually meet the demand of the prescription safety eyewear market with program enhancements and personalized customer service to both employer customers and eyecare practices alike.

“We make thoughtful updates to our in-house portfolio and industry-leading technology to keep the cost of prescription safety eyewear affordable and make the process as easy as possible for employees, companies and eyecare practices. These improvements also allow us to continue manufacturing safety eyewear at the highest quality,” Klaers and Marcella added.

“As eyecare practices look to expand their offering to their marketplace, safety eyewear is gaining ground. What’s old is new again, especially because safety frame manufacturers are coming out with style improvements to ANSI Z87.1 rated safety frames; these are not your grandpa’s safety glasses any longer.”

Walman has developed solutions that make safety part of the overall vision health journey. Klaers and Marcella added, “Safety is a gateway to revenue. Our safety programs are incredibly well-rounded in the sense that we focus on pairing the right eyecare practice with the employer to increase eye exams and additional eyewear orders outside of safety.”

As the safety eyewear industry continues to grow, Walman works with employers to meet their needs and make protecting employees accessible. “There will always be a need for prescription safety eyewear, and because it is a medical device, the U.S. workplace needs care and guidance from eyecare professionals. When you make safety eyewear accessible to your community, accept that it isn’t going to be your primary form of revenue, and use our resources to turn it into something more. You will stand out from your competition as you provide an important service to your patients,” Klaers and Marcella concluded.