Product: ORLenz
Top Line: Ocutrx Vision Technologies, a California-based technology startup, introcued a next generation AR headset technology for surgery visualization at the American Academy of Ophthalmology 2019 Conference in San Francisco. The device, called the ORLenz, is related to the company’s flagship Oculenz ARWear headset for macular degeneration.
Close Up: The ORLenz technology will be available for surgeons and retinal specialists to utilize during procedures as an aid for delivering the most effective care possible. It allows for a 120-degree field of view and a resolution of sixty pixels-per-degree —the highest resolution the human eye can discern (at 20/20). Ocutrx has developed its own 6DoF (6 degrees of freedom) platform for enhanced 2D and 3D “posing” of graphics and holograms from MRI’s, CT scans and other 2D/3D/4D medical imaging. The ORLenz also takes the direct feed from a digital microscope and portrays the surgery images to the surgeon in 2D or 3D. ORLenz’s MedTiles provide an overlay of vital surgery information on the 3D picture of the surgery. The ORLenz weighs about 250 grams and is wireless and tetherless, providing comfort and complete freedom of movement for the surgeon. It operates with Ocutrx’s WiDtrx wireless system which allows video transmission without wires at multi-gigabit speeds with the same or less latency than a hard-wired connection like HDMI.
Vital Stats: The ORLenz also has a MedTiles subsystem visual presentation, which is an overlay of vital information (text and graphs) in virtual display over the operating view. The MedTiles are virtually presented like windows or chyron generated information visible within the AR field-of-view. For ophthalmologic surgery, included in the MedTiles is information like IOP (intraocular pressure), cut rate and flow rate. The MedTiles also show which "mode" a surgeon is in (vitrectomy, extrusion, dense tissue). This data is visible at the voice command of the surgeon and will run at the option of the surgeon at the bottom, side or top of his/her AR lens view. The MedTiles can also pose in a “horizon” view, where the surgeon can either dip his/her eyes below the virtual horizon to include this information as an overlay or raise his/her eyes above the horizon to only see the digital microscope view. The same works for either side viewing or top horizon. In this fashion, surgeons who dislike data distraction while conducting surgery can have the option of including the text and graph information at all times, or make a slight head or eye adjustment when needed to “see” the information when they choose.
“The ORLenz provides the surgeon with the immersive experience that he/she has been trained in and will allow the surgeon’s full and undivided attention to rest on the patient, where it should be,” said Thomas A. Finley, MD, chairman of the Ocutrx International advisory board. “The ORLenz is AR, and there is a significant difference between immersion and isolation. With VR you are completely cut-off from the events taking place in the operating room, which can lead to dangerous situations. However, with the ORLenz, the experience is immersive, yet, you can still easily stay connected with the other physicians, technicians and equipment in the room.”
A final version of the ORLenz is set to be available in Q2 2020 when the Oculenz ARWear headset becomes widely available for purchase.