Product: Visionprescription
Top Line: Visionprescription, a free, online dispensing omnichannel, is now available to the vision care industry. The system allows patients, members and customers to order contact lenses either in-office or online.
Close Up: Visionprescription was designed to coordinate information across all vision organizations to give each industry player access to the right information, at the right time, to the right process, according to its developers. Using Visionprescription, vision industry players can create relationships that reduce the overall cost and waste of doing business in the vision care industry. Visionprescription’s tools can provide dispensing practitioners an increase up to 25 percent in revenue, and vision care administrators can reduce administrative and maintenance costs up to 12 percent, according to the developers. Vision care vendors can find a reduction in inventory and recapture loss revenue. Working together in a complementary community leads to the best financial outcomes for vision care.
Vital Stats: The center of Visionprescription’s technology is what the company refers to as the Coordination of Dispensing Engine or CoDE. Unlike traditional Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) services for individual organizations, CoDE calculates “Revenue Cycle Management” outcomes across companies. Using its advanced artificial intelligence to perform data and process validation, CoDE in real-time produces a pre-approved “Explanation of Benefits” for each vendor, allowing consumers to fulfill their optical prescriptions with the best financial outcomes. “Rather than theory or guesswork, vision industry players can deal in actual information for a real-time explanation of benefits. Instead of the original lengthy, multi-step process, that only determines an estimate, CoDE reduces the steps. It gives patients, members and customers all of the options and information they need to make their dispensing choice,” the company said in a statement.