SAN FRANCISCO—RestoringVision, a leading global nonprofit organization, has released its first-ever annual report, celebrating its recent milestone of reaching 20 million people in need across the globe with vision programs and glasses delivery while highlighting successes and partnerships forged in 2021. RestoringVision reported that it reached more than 2.3 million people in 80 countries across the globe in 2021 with its Global Access Program and Community Outreach Program, a 71 percent increase from 2020.

The annual report also offers a preview of RestoringVision’s new brand and logo identity, which will launch during a June 2022 rollout as it continues to scale its worldwide impact. RestoringVision continues to focus on accelerating its growth while seeking new philanthropic investments, knowing that it could help more than seven million people in need of clear vision today.

“We are thrilled to share RestoringVision’s first-ever annual report as it provides a look back at what we have accomplished during fiscal year 2021 and a look at the many lives impacted over our first 20 years as an organization,” said Dr. Pelin Munis, executive director of RestoringVision.

“Within its pages, we hope readers will be motivated to join us in doing everything we can to solve this global health crisis. Our work has only just begun, and we hope you will be a part of this exciting time of growth as we continue to scale our impact across the globe to provide people living in poverty with clear vision.”

The annual report can be viewed by clicking here.