More than 157 million Americans are part of the U.S. workforce, and many of them (but not all) will spend the Labor Day holiday weekend away from their desks, assembly lines and checkout counters, according to Pew Research Center. As we mark the day, here’s what we know about who American workers are, what they do and the U.S. working environment in general.

Over the past 35 years, the share of American workers who belong to labor unions has fallen by about half.  Union membership peaked in 1954 at nearly 35 percent of all U.S. workers (excluding the self-employed), but in 2018 the unionization rate was just 10.5 percent.

In a 2018 Pew Research Center survey, 51 percent of Americans said the decline in unionization has been mostly bad for working people, while 35 percent regarded it as mostly good. More recently, 45 percent of respondents in a July 2019 survey said labor unions have a positive effect on the way things are going in the country; 28 percent described their impact as negative.

To read the full story from Pew Research Center, click here