
The eyewear brand, NW77th by Studio Optyx seeks to cater to an urban chic lifestyle in a fresh and interesting way. This selection of eyewear melds cool, luxury frames with an attainable price point. The NW77th brand creates an overall experience for its wearers and exudes a unique vibe and energy that defines modern and cultural living.

MSRP is $195 to $320.


Sunshine Eye Clinic

Springfield, Missouri
Amber Stapp, lead optician and frame buyer

“It tells a unique story, as the founding family custom designed goggles for Charles Lindbergh which were used in his historic flight over the Atlantic.”

What are you selling?
This past April, our location was looking for a line that brought uniqueness to our clinic. We carry a lot of well-known brand lines that are mass produced that you can find at most dispensaries, and we wanted to bring something exclusive to our area. When we found the NW77th collection, we knew it would be the perfect fit. Not only that, but the factory manufacturing these frames is located in St. Louis, Mo., a local appeal as we are located in Springfield, Mo.

Who’s buying it?
We were originally trying to speak with Millennials, but quickly found out the target market was ranging in age from 18 to 46, a wider market than we had originally anticipated. These age groups are looking for more than just a frame that looks good but more as a fashion accessory that speaks to them.

Why do they like it?
Smaller boutiques are on the rise, especially ones that combine a cultural and social connection for the consumer. By bringing in a frame line that has history, a story and brings a local connection, it really speaks to people. These factors combined with the depth of variety in shapes and colors, makes it an easy choice for our patients.

Website: www.sunshineeyeclinic.com
Instagram: @sunshineeyeclinic

Are you a retailer or an ECP who has a frame or collection you think others should “Check.Out”?

Contact associate editor, Jamie Wilson