Millennials* learned about saving money at a young age and their parents encouraged them to save, according to a recent study by PNC Bank. However, they received less guidance on investing. Here are some key findings from PNC’s survey of Millennials:

"Parents always encouraged me to save money."
  • 12 percent disagree
  • 26 percent ambivalent
  • 62 percent agree

"Parents showed me more ways to increase wealth than just via a job."##

  • 32 percent disagree
  • 35 percent ambivalent
  • 33 percent agree

48 percent have an emergency fund.
38 percent feel in complete control of their financial well-being.
33 percent feel confident they are saving enough for the future.

*79 percent of Millennials 25-29 say parents talked to them about managing finances vs. 70 percent among those 30-35.

Click here to read more about what PNC Investments says about Millennials’ long-term financial attitudes and habits.